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  • katyzhang0102

My new found obsession

It’s been approximately a year since the first Covid lockdown began last March. I was thinking recently about how this pandemic situation has influenced my life. Is there anything positive or optimistic which may be taken from this circumstance?

For me, the most valuable lesson I’ve learned is acceptance: accepting the uncertainties of life, accepting things can change in a flash, accepting that it's okay to admit one's vulnerabilities. As a result of the pandemic continuing, people continue to experience anxiety, depression and desperation as time moves forward. In times like this, they say if you can't change something terrible, then accept it and think about how to deal with it.

I agree. So, I started to remember the things I wanted to discover but didn't have enough time to do before the pandemic. This week, I tried Haitai Calbee honey butter potato chips and Yukimi Daifuku as an experiment.

Yukimi Daifuku was created by the food company Lotte, and it’s ice cream wrapped in mochi (rice cake). This product’s uniqueness is you can eat the ice cream fresh out of the freezer anytime you want, and the mochi remains ideally soft and stretchy at any temperature. The texture of the mochi and ice cream is exceptional and also combine perfectly.

Haitai Calbee honey butter potato chips are super easy to become addicted to. This is just a warning to anyone who decides to try them.These chips have the perfect ratio of honey and butter, with the crispy taste that will make you unable to stop eating them. You can easily finish an entire bag of these chips before you even realize it.

Accepting I am snack addicted is something I am proud of. So, enjoy your snack hunting!

Make sure to check back next week for the new snacks list!

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